Our Focus

SPED Strategies works with partners who are committed to tackling long standing challenges and are seeking solutions that transform outcomes for students with disabilities.

Supporting Special Education Leaders

Special education leaders lead a complex portfolio of work that requires advanced expertise in disability, legal, academic, and fiscal domains. The cost of getting this right is critical and often overlooked. School systems without strong special education systems face costly lawsuits, organizational challenges, and most importantly, limited opportunities for students. To get this right, the special education leaders need support.

SPED Strategies offers special education leaders support with building their capacity to create systems and structures that proactively support the needs of students with disabilities while driving positive change to improve student outcomes.

Driving Systems Transformation

Our education system is feeling the reverberations of a special education service delivery model that is half a century old. It is a model that expects students to conform to learning environments when instead we should be creating learning environments that are responsive to the unique needs of students. It is a model that sees the performance gaps of students with disabilities as a problem for the special education team to solve, when in reality the solution lies with all of us. 

SPED Strategies offers partners customized support with identifying and scaling systems level change from beginning to end. We support our partners with defining the problem of practice and identifying the opportunity, engaging internal and external stakeholders,  executing universal and targeted support, and aligning all systems that lead to long term sustainability.

Innovating Professional Learning

All students should spend the majority of their school day engaging in high quality curriculum and learning experiences. However, students with disabilities often face additional challenges because they need educators who can deliver specialized support to help them access the curriculum and progress in grade level expectations. When equipped with the right knowledge and strategies, educators can more adequately address the unique needs of students with disabilities and ensure meaningful engagement in the classroom every day. 

SPED Strategies works with partners to provide interactive professional learning sessions customized to their unique needs. We design every session to be inclusive, relevant, and evidence-based and are relentless in our pursuit of high expectations for the design and facilitation of our professional learning sessions.

Advancing Inclusive Education

Inclusive education is a culture and practice grounded in the premise that each student is a learner who is capable of grade-level learning, with the right support. Rather than focusing on a particular program or placement, inclusive education provides equitable, rigorous access to the general education curriculum and individualized support for students with disabilities throughout their educational experience.

SPED Strategies works with partners that want to improve their inclusive education model at the district and school levels.  We help partners implement inclusive structures, inclusive practices, and inclusive mindsets to ensure students with disabilities have access to high-quality, grade-level instruction with the right support.

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